Research and evidence based (academic, dispassionate, independent)
Markets work (i.e., markets are “highly efficient”)
Tactical overweights and underweights based on valuations and risk
Emotional and behavioural factors play a bigger role than most acknowledge
Long-term perspective (preferably 20+ years)
Diversification within and throughout many asset classes
Account for taxes, both risk tolerance and risk capacity,…
There are two ways to invest in capital markets. The most prevalent way for retail investors is active management with a team of professionals reviewing information, trends and companies, and then making buy-and-sell decisions for like-minded unit-holders. The other way is passive management which aims to track a benchmark. The big difference is that passive products…
Returns are often highly variable. In the short run, returns are unknowable, while in the long run they are nearly inevitable. For planning purposes, please consider a time horizon of 4 years or less to be the short term, 4 to 10 years to be the medium term and anything over 10 years to be…