In building portfolios, I primarily use (F Class) Offering Memorandum (OM) products and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The fee is in proportion to the size of total household investable assets and is reviewed and renewed annually. It is set at $3,500 on all assets up to the first $250,000; 0.8% on all additional household assets…
Returns are often highly variable. In the short run, returns are unknowable, while in the long run they are nearly inevitable. For planning purposes, please consider a time horizon of 4 years or less to be the short term, 4 to 10 years to be the medium term and anything over 10 years to be…
I help people to prepare for financial independence - I help people make informed decisions with their money. Still, I recognize that many people come to me primarily as an investment advisor who does planning. Planning might include specific plans for estate planning, insurance, and tax reduction. If you engage me, a letter of engagement…